IOT – Intermediate Level Certification Course
IOT Domain Overview
- Basic of IOT
- What it is ? Why is it relevant ?
- IOT and Robotics
- Market drivers
- Future Opportunities
- Why one should study
- Career options
Introduction to IOT Eco systems
- Basic of Arduino boards
- Handling of Cables, bread boards
- Type of Motors
- Type of Sensors
- Intro to Wearables technologies (Lilypad)
Connectivity options
- Introduction to Wifi, Bluetooth, Cloud
- Wifi / Bluetooth / Mobile GSM Enablement
- Blynk – Introduction to Arduino management through Cloud
- Cloud storage for data gathering /recoding (Trial Accounts)
IOT Project
- Study various example projects
- Hands on exposure to build own robots
- TOGA (Toxic Gas analyser for Chemical Industry),
- Healthy alert for Elderly people (safety button,, heart rate, free fall alert)
- Spider-Bot – voice activated
- Home automation – Curtain opener, Fan/Lights/AC control (220V) Custom module with relay
Introduction to 3D printing technology (optional)
- Software Introduction ,
- Introduction to slicer
- Design your Own object
- Supported protocols by RabbitMq. Ex. MQTT, AMQP
- Explain each protocol in depth
- Explain publish subscribe mechanism.
- How to communication is done using this protocol.
- How to publish message (Actual data, size, transmission format,etc.)
- Topic management (For publishing, subscribing, filtering, handling messages)
- Different types of Qos for communication (Qos1, Qos2, Qos3).
- Message Retention, Persistence session, Heartbeats/keep alive functionality.
- Use case for these protocol where actually use, in the real world.
- Hands on practice on this protocol.
- Assignments for further exploration.
- Give problem statement and know actual use using different languages.
- Material reference, links to checkout for further guidance.
- What is kafka? Basic understanding for kafka.
- How efficient kafka is and why it is so popular.(What is behind scene, Current kafka market holding)
- Kafka topic partition mechanism.
- Use case for Kafka.
- Hands on practice for kafka.
- Give problem statement and know actual use using different languages.
- Assignments for further exploration.
- Material reference, links to checkout for further guidance.