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  • TOXIC GAS ANALYZER (TOGA) is a Portable Device and Application.
  • The aim is to detect the presence and levels of such gases, so proper precautions can be taken. It is a small box with an array of gas sensors with Arduino that is connected to the Mobile Application via Bluetooth and gives alerts when the ppm of certain hazardous gas peaks, which causes health risks in Industry environment. The requirement of the kind of the gas which is to be detected can be different According to the industry as well. The levels of each gas would be displayed on the TOGA Mobile Application.
  • Importance of gas sensing is to grow with increasing requirements for safety and environmental Protection across many industries.
  • The main goal of the project is to solve this serious problem of detecting harmful gases by developing a portable safety device using Arduino microcontroller along with gas detection sensors to make sure gas ppms(parts per million) are within permissible levels to support the health of factory workers.

Computer Vision

Computer Vision Identification using Tensor Flow

The project “Landfill Refinery” is a script that can detect object such as “Aluminum Can”, “Banana Peels”, etc. which are recyclable or Bio-Degradable from landfill. Landfill are huge dump areas situated in outskates of the urban areas. This landfills have every type of waste (which is useless for the human) products, that include Bio-Degradable, Toxic, Recyclable, etc. Waste products that are Recyclable and Bio-Degradable can be brought and used for many purposes. In present, manual scavengers do this task. As these manual scavengers work in these landfills they can get life threating diseases.
The project is a script which can detect object and classify them into their product type, it can give exact dimensions where in the real time video or image that product is located. This script is implemented into the robotic system which then picks the product detected and send it to the place where it can processed to recycled or make fuel.
The project increases life expectancy of humans and animals of near-by areas. Government spend lot of money behind those manual scavengers for their health and for picking this products, which can reduce. Landfill Refinery prevents from hazardous and brutal conditions that occur due gases and fires caused by this landfill (large dump area).

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